It is the ninth day of the first lunar month, one thousand four hundred and twenty-eight years of the Great Xuan calendar. For the common people in Yucheng, this is a very ordinary day. It is the ninth day after the New Year. The cold of winter has not receded. Every household still seldom goes out and everyone stays at home and warms the stove. This year's winter is not as difficult as the last one. There is no big cold weather phenomenon, and there is not much wind and snow. Some elderly people are worried about this, thinking that a year without heavy snow may be a worse year. Compared to the millions of people in Yucheng. The slightly upper-level forces more or less felt changes on this day, a change in the atmosphere, which seemed to be a little more tense in the cold winter. Because too many people were transferred away, including several chief missionaries from the southeast, northwest and northwest of the City Guard Department, the capitals in the inner city, as well as the capitals of various government agencies, and even many personnel from the Supervision Department, even major families were forced to Some troops were recruited. inner city. He family. The gorgeous and luxurious main hall located in the center of the He family. At this time, there were only the head of the family, He Zhengya, and a figure wearing a mysterious robe, standing there with a casual expression.
Yan Jingqing has left. As expected, he left Chen Mu in Yucheng. The mysterious robed figure spoke calmly. He Zhengya leaned on his cane and said in a low voice: But Inspector Yan also took away many members of our He family. Yan Jingqing went to the Ziwu Mountains and left Chen Mu in Yucheng. It did not seem to be a very unexpected thing. After all, the Ziwu Mountains were far away from Yucheng, and the war would probably not end in a day or two. With Yan Jingqing Appreciating Chen Mu, he will probably keep Chen Mu in Yucheng to take care of things. After all, Chen Mu's situation is quite special. He is a character with quite good talents and qualifications and needs time to grow. There is no point in sending Chen Mu to the front line of the Purple Mist Mountains. The ones who are more suitable to go to the Purple Mist Mountains are naturally characters like Xue Huaikong and He Wuyou. and. Yu Jiujiang, the member of the Yu family, is really too old. Even if Yan Jingqing wanted to mobilize all his troops this time, control the situation as much as possible, and transfer He Wuyou and Xue Huakong away, he still couldn't mobilize Yu Jiujiang, as it was inappropriate in all aspects. Then it would be appropriate to transfer away the leading figures from major families such as He Wuyou, Xue Huaikong, and Xie Changfeng, and leave Chen Mu in the middle of Yucheng. With Yu Jiujiang here, safety is guaranteed, and there is still Meng Tianzhang in the inner city, not to mention What's going on? Haha, if He Wuyou is not there, you won't dare to attack him. There was a hint of mockery in the tone of the mysterious robed figure. He Zhengya said in a deep voice: The great-grandfather of the Yu family still has the strength of the five internal organs state. Even if the ancestor speculates that he will not be able to take action a few times, if the ancestor is not here, no matter how many people we have, we can't do anything to a five-organ state. .” What's more, Chen Mu is extremely calm and cunning. Although he has shown the realm of bone forging and Xunfeng Zhenlei, who can guarantee that this is his full strength? There is no certainty... Although our He family and Yu family have deep-rooted hatred, there is still Qixuan Sect between them. At worst, they will bow to the Yu family. With some connections from the ancestors, at least they will not be wiped out. fate. He Zhengya stared at the figure in Xuanpao and spoke slowly. Now that Chen Mu has been appreciated by Yan Jingqing and has outstanding talents and qualifications, the He family is almost forced to a dead end. They can only watch the opponent's rise step by step, which is difficult to contain. The He family is bound to be in trouble in the future. But the problem is that today's Chen Mu is the Supervisory Director, and his identity is completely different from that in the past. Although Yan Jingqing had to go there in person due to the incident in the Ziwu Mountains, even if he took this opportunity to deal with Chen Mu, Yan Jingqing became furious afterwards. Next, the He family will inevitably end up ruined. What's more.
Yan Jingqing also used tricks to transfer away many elite personnel from He Wuyou and the He family, including the Xue family and the Xie family. Only the Yu family kept most of them, including Yu Jiujiang. There was a hint of loneliness and desolation in He Zhengya's tone, and he seemed to be a bit resigned to his fate. He seemed to really plan to take the initiative to bow down to the Yu family and stop struggling and resisting. The figure in black robe stared at He Zhengya and examined him twice. finally. He shook his hand and threw an object, and it was thrown on the table. It was a jade-shaped arrow-shaped object, with a bright red color flowing vaguely inside it, as if it was some flowing blood. Haha, since fighting is also death, and not fighting is also death, I don't believe that your He family will really accept your fate, but as the saying goes, under the way of heaven, there is a glimmer of life in all calamities... I will give you this glimmer of life. This 'Blood Fiend Explosive Flame Arrow' is made from the blood of the vine heart of the sixth-level monster 'Explosive Flame Ancient Vine'. If it touches it, it will definitely kill you. Even a person in the Five Internal Organ Realm can be injured if you are caught off guard. As for Yu Jiujiang and Meng Tianzhang, you don't need to pay attention to them. Killing Chen Mu and destroying the Yu family are the conditions for your He family to surrender to the Xuanji Pavilion. From now on, your He family will obey the orders of the Xuanji Pavilion, and there is no need to be afraid of Yan Jingqing. He will be blocked by our Xuanji Pavilion. The mysterious robed figure spoke calmly. The words fell. He Zhengya's original eyes were lonely, and he looked a little depressed and downcast. Suddenly, he picked up the jade arrow with bright blood flowing on the table, and his whole aura suddenly turned deep. It's a deal? Xuanji Pavilion wants to incorporate the He family and let the He family take refuge. This is undoubtedly a risky move for the He family. After all, it is equivalent to being directly involved in the battle between the two sects of Xuanji Pavilion and Qixuan Sect! Although the Xuanji Pavilion is definitely not inferior to the Qixuan Sect as a huge force, the He family is too fragile compared to these two forces, and will be crushed into pieces if they are not careful. but now. The rise of Chen Mu has also forced the He family to a dead end. Chen Mu is so young. Maybe the He family can still support him while He Wuyou is still there. Once He Wuyou reaches his twilight years and his strength is no longer there, He family The whole family is in danger of being destroyed! The Xuanji Pavilion also saw this, and planned to intervene. If they advance, they can completely take over the power of the He family. If they retreat, the He family will be wiped out by the Yu family in the worst case, which will not cause much loss to them. As for Qixuanzong's reaction afterwards... Xuanji Pavilion firstly did not punish the sect's senior officials in a big way, and secondly did not personally kill anyone. The murderers were the He family and Qixuanzong's own men. In any case, it was still classified as Qixuanzong's own 'civil strife', even if their Xuanji Pavilion was There was provocation and some interference, but disputes between rivers and lakes have never been a family game. My actions at Xuanji Pavilion will not break my word. The mysterious robed figure spoke calmly. There was a glint in his eyes. Tianjian Sect, Xueyin Tower and Hehuan Sect, the three sects only want the resources of Yu County, but they are different from Xuanji Pavilion, from the very beginning... Xuanji Pavilion wants the entire Yu County! As for Chen Mu, he was just a victim. Of course, with Chen Mu's talent and qualifications, he was indeed worth killing. Uh-huh. His whole body floated away and disappeared into the main hall of the He family. He Zhengya looked at the bloody jade arrow in his palm, took a long breath, then slammed the wooden stick in his hand, and said in a deep voice:
Let Zhengguang, Zhengdao, Zhengying... all come to discuss the matter. The He family has never thought of accepting their fate and bowing their heads to the Yu family. It is tantamount to taking the initiative to put their heads under other people's swords. The grievances for so many years cannot be easily resolved. In the end, they will be tortured by the Yu family until they are broken. The family is in ruins. Even though Yan Jingqing valued Chen Mu, the He family would definitely take action once there was an opportunity. This was originally a life-and-death situation, but Yan Jingqing had always suppressed him. The incident in the Purple Mist Mountains, the remnants of the Tianzhi Sect... there are many things that require manpower to deal with. Naturally, Yan Jingqing will not let the He family and the Yu family fight to the death under his nose, and fight among themselves before the chaos. . Xuanji Pavilion's willingness to intervene was an unexpected surprise. The previous gesture of resignation was just a test to see what Xuanji Pavilion had in mind. Of course, on the other hand, he did feel that Chen Mu was too calm and troublesome. He Zhengya's several misjudgments of Chen Mu's strength so far have already made He Zhengya extremely wary. What is the bone forging, two artistic conceptions... Even if Chen Mu suddenly becomes a bone-forging perfection, or even develops the third artistic conception, he won't be surprised now! It is absolutely wrong to formulate a strategy based on superficial strength. If you really want to attack Chen Mu again, you must make careful decisions and careful calculations, raise the specifications to the perfection of bone forging, and three artistic conceptions, and then strike with a thunderous blow. , all means are used, not giving any chance to counterattack! original. What the He family prepared for this was several kinds of poisons that were difficult to withstand even if they were not in the Five Zang Realm, coupled with some dangerous hidden weapons. Now the 'Blood Fiend Explosive Flame Arrow' given by Xuanji Pavilion gave them even more confidence. many. After killing Chen Mu, completely surrendering to the Xuanji Pavilion will make the Qixuan Sect furious, but at least there will be a lot of room for change. Some clan members can even be arranged to settle down and develop in the 'Xuanzhou' controlled by the Xuanji Pavilion, leaving a trail. road. … Inspection Division. Raindrops fell outside the window, and the sixth floor was deserted. Several government offices on the fifth floor were also vacant, except for one of them, where Chen Mu sat quietly. After looking through the intelligence from all parties in Yu County, as well as the key information about the Ziwu Mountain Range, Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh and said: It is true that the four sects cannot fully cooperate with each other, and the remnants of the Tianzhi Sect are indeed very capable. After more than ten days. The various sect forces headed by the Tianjian Sect basically cleaned up the outer perimeter of the Purple Mist Mountains. However, when they tried to enter the inner perimeter, they were counterattacked by the Tianzhi Sect. They used the poisonous miasma and terrain of the Purple Mist Mountains to attack them. Many people were trapped for a short time and then rushed out. Although the four sects and Yan Jingqing who were guarding outside killed a large number of corpses, many remnants of the Tianzhi Sect eventually escaped from the Ziwu Mountains. Currently, the people of each sect and Yu All the county offices are tracking and arresting him everywhere. As he expected, the various sects were unable to cooperate fully, and there were many loopholes. The remnants of the Heavenly Corpse Sect had been entrenched in the Purple Mist Mountains for many years, and they occupied a favorable location. It was really difficult to kill them all. Yu County will be in chaos again for a while. Chen Mu shook his head. Then he threw all the information into the nearby stove and burned it, and then walked downstairs. The third update is not finished yet, it will be later.