Two groups of cavalry passed through Yewen Pass and came to the land of three rivers overnight. These cavalry were divided into two columns. One column is a group of young and beautiful female elves or half-elves, wearing leather armor and carrying long bows and musical instruments. They are either druid rangers or bards. One column is composed of strong male human warriors, wearing knight armor, carrying swords and shields on their backs, and hanging lances. They are standard cavalry. In the team, several battle flags were fluttering in the wind. The battle flags were based on huge red cloaks, with swords and shields crossed in front. This is the flag of the lords of the Battle Valley, the symbol of Lord Ilmet. The red cloak symbolizes the greatest king of the Battle Valley, the Cloak King Ankh, and the sword and shield symbolize the warriors they once served loyally to. The two riders walking side by side at the front. The leader of the team is also a half-elf girl. She has a peerless appearance that is rare even among elves. Her smile is touching and her body is light but not thin. She smiles before she speaks, and her clear voice reveals A wordless charm. The leader of the warriors is a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and a short dark beard. He is meticulously groomed, which hints at the master's temperament. His eyes are firm and his lips are tight. You can tell at a glance that he is a man who is always serious about words. Man, it seems like nothing in the world can shake him. It wasn't until his eyes shifted to the girl next to him that he showed a little tenderness.
The girl is naturally one of the initiators of this ghost wine auction, Miss Regina, the princess of Battle Valley. The middle-aged man is Lord Ilmet, the guardian of the Battle Valley. Publicly and privately, they all have to participate in this ghost wine auction. Yu Gong, this is a major event that happens in Battle Valley, second only to the quadrennial Shield Festival, and they shoulder the responsibility of security. Privately, there are some interests belonging to Regina, which are more than one hundred thousand pure profits. Even if it is placed on them, it is not a small amount. "The man you fancy is not as omnipotent as you described!" Lord Ilmet pursed his thin lips slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm, "We are now no more than ten kilometers away from Vizeme Manor. It's still like entering an uninhabited land, we can kill directly outside the manor with a quick attack." "What do you mean by the man I like? Even if you are an elder, you can't talk nonsense." Regina was coquettish, but what showed in her eyebrows was not anger, but more pride, "Who said that entering a place with no one else? Don’t you think that since we left Yewen Pass, the howling of the wolves has been too rhythmic and has never left our side?” "You mean, all the wild wolves here are driven by them?" Lord Ilmet said in surprise. "Even if he doesn't drive all of them, he at least has a reconnaissance guard composed of hundreds of wild wolves, placed around as sentries." The pride that Regina showed showed that she was the mistress of Vizeme Manor. , now taking my old father to visit. "Driving so many wild wolves? How did he do it?" Lord Ilmet's expression finally became more serious. As a qualified leader, he knew the value of these wild scouts. They will hunt on their own and do not need support. Secondly, the main reason is concealment. Even if they just saw it, they will not care, because wild wolves are the most common hunters. When they are on the road, they will bump into all kinds of predators. , it is really commonplace. In Battle Valley, once you leave the Rosaville Road, the surrounding wilderness is no longer the domain of intelligent life, but the domain of these wild animals. Regina was slightly annoyed and said: "Mr. Ilmet, when I talked to you last time, were you listening? I told you that he has a high-level devil dog demon under his command, which can control large numbers of demons. Wild wolves, with fey and fey druids serving them, can do this as well." Even though he was called by his first name, Lord Ilmet did not feel the slightest bit annoyed. Instead, he was a little embarrassed, because he knew that this was a precursor to the true anger of his beloved daughter. He hurriedly justified himself: "I remember, it's just that He hadn't thought about this before and recruited high-level devils and fey as subordinates at the same time. How did he do it? " Regina shrugged and said: "I don't know this, just like I don't know whether he is a warrior, a mage or a druid. The longer I stay in contact with him, the less I can see through him. " "Having multiple positions?" Lord Ilmet asked in confusion. It is not uncommon to have professional levels in several professions. It's just that most people's part-time job is traceable, with one profession as the main profession, and the remaining professions are strengthened around this profession. For example, he is a warrior who works part-time as a powerful warrior. The gap between warriors, mages and druids is too big, and professional abilities cannot complement each other.
Regina shook her head and said: "It's not that simple. His professional level is generally not high, but the skills he knows are quite high-end. Enlightenment is a spell that can only be used by extraordinary druids. It can be compared with Mr. August, who is more than two years old." Do you think he is an ordinary warrior who can fight without knowing the outcome?" "Two moves with August? No win or lose?" Lord Ilmet looked in disbelief. That was a veteran paladin who had been famous for decades. Although his ability was not as outstanding as that of his apprentice Darnell, it was not an ordinary person who could reach the extraordinary level. At least Lord Ilmet didn't have the confidence to overwhelm his opponent. "Mr. August said so himself." Lord Ilmet breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's the old gentleman's modesty. You don't need to take it too seriously..." "Look, there are a lot of trees." "That's not a tree man, that's an enlightenment tree." "Huh? Kobolds? Halflings? Humans? Why are there so many different races here?" "Those pieces of wood are flying by themselves. What kind of magic is that?" Waves of incredible whispers came from behind, interrupting the whispers of the father and daughter at the front. Looking up, a fantasy construction site appeared in front of them. Halfling houseboats were dragging logs down the river to the nearby shore. Each enlightened tree is responsible for dragging these thick logs to the shore. Those immigrants from Tessel who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward and used various tools to clean up the logs, tie them up with ropes, and tie the knots. Then let Enlightenment Tree drag it to the construction site, where a group of short kobolds have already dug a deep hole and can just stand the log in. Some logs flew up on their own and spliced together with the erected logs. When I got closer, I realized that these logs did not fly here by themselves. Instead, a group of miniature fey pixies spread their own fairy dust and carried them flying. There are already fey druids waiting there, using the wood-shaping technique to turn these logs into a round shape again. A log platform was pieced together at a speed visible to the naked eye. Its round shape makes it look like it grew out of the ground. Not to mention the human warriors who looked straight at him, even the half-elves and moon elves looked incredulous. They had only heard of this situation of many races working together in the legend about Myth Drannor, but had never seen it before. I saw it today, and I just realized that the reality is more fantastic than the legend, which makes people shocked and speechless. clang! clang! clang! A huge bell rang. Everyone put down their work and began to gather at the top of the slope. There, there were already hundreds of pots, steaming hot. The aroma of food wafting out of it can be clearly smelled even from hundreds of meters away.
There were several men on horseback, running down the river in the direction of Regina and Lord Ilmet. The leader was not Gavin, the lord of this place, who else could it be. Gavin came all the way and smiled and said: "Miss Regina, you are indeed a person of your word. You really invited Lord Ilmet here, which has added a lot of glory to the land of Three Rivers. Lord, you are not able to welcome me from far away." It’s rude, but the auction is coming soon and the construction period is tight, so we must race against time.” Lord Ilmet had already regained his serious look, nodded towards Gavin and said: "Mr. Gavin, there is no need to be polite, everything is business, Regina has repeatedly mentioned to me that you are unusual, come on. On the way, I didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t expect you to be more unusual than what she said. You are indeed the man that my daughter likes. " If you can't speak, don't speak. No one will think you are mute! What do I mean by a good man? Regina on the other side grinded her teeth in hatred, but in front of outsiders, she saved enough face for her father. "It's my honor." Gavin didn't take it seriously at all, as if he didn't misunderstand Lord Ilmet's meaning at all, "Lord, you came just in time, it's our meal time, you probably haven't had time to eat yet. , If you don’t mind it, why not take your soldiers and eat some together.” "Isn't this appropriate? There are so many of us, so your meals must be prepared according to the number of people." Lord Ilmet did not refuse forcefully. Because he was very curious, what was the eating scene like on the mountain? After all, so many completely different races gather together, and if you are not careful, it may cause a big riot. But so far, there is no sign of this. "Don't worry, I've already prepared your share." Gai Wen's implication was obvious. He knew they were coming before the cooks got angry. This is also true. The Yewen Passage serves as the main access to the outside world from the Land of Three Rivers. How could Gavin be completely undefended? Not only was the wilderness filled with wolf sentries controlled by the dog demons, there were at least three Erd squads patrolling back and forth in the air. Military activities with more than five personnel will be reported to Copperfield, and if there are more than one squad, Gavin will be notified. "Now that Mr. Gavin is ready, we naturally cannot refuse this kindness." Lord Ilmet waved his hand and said, "Dismount and unload." This is naturally done to show one's sincerity. This is a response to the sincerity of the other party - inviting them to dine among their own subjects is not an ordinary sincerity and trust. "Just dismount, no need to unload." Gavin said from the side. Seeing that Lord Ilmet was still hesitant, Regina explained on the side: "Father, just listen to Mr. Gavin. This is not only sincerity, but also confidence." She had seen with her own eyes the terrifying fighting prowess of Broken Thorn and Black Heather. She heard that he was in the Sealed Land again, enlightening five willow trees that could merge together, and forcibly lifted a ten-ton fine gold coffin from the underground river. out. It is really unimaginable what kind of disaster it would be for a group of warriors to face such a being. "Miss Regina, you are still as funny as before." Gavin laughed. Although he did have such thoughts, he was still a little embarrassed to be pointed out. "Okay, let's go up the mountain." Lord Ilmet waved his hand heavily and decided to follow Regina's advice on this matter. Although she is not very old, she has been able to take charge of all aspects, especially in terms of judging people and communicating with foreign countries, which has long surpassed him.
Compared to himself, she is more suitable to be a lord, and he is training her in this direction. Regina drove the horse forward and walked side by side with Gavin. She couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Gavin, where did you find such a beautiful mount? The figure is so elegant and the breath is so unique. It can't be from the Fey Wilds? Help me get one when you have time!"